My Name Is Mud.
I've never seen the ugly lizard woman named Kim on the television. I'm more fortunate than most of my fellow Americans-I don't own a television. I'm sometimes required, in my day to day to pass by televisions, and I never fail to be disturbed by the idiotic memes that those evil boxes of delusion try to pump into my brain via sound waves.
It just so happened that one fine day I passed by the boob box that nobody was watching, and somebody had forgot to turn off-and I heard the most sickening sound that I'd ever heard. Some plastic blond (yes, I can tell by the voice-thank you.) was bubble gumming some manufactured enthusiasm that kept repeating the vile lizard woman's name within. So I looked it up on the net, and found the synthetic living meme of American demise pictured to the top right.
I'm certain that that lizard person turns into the plastic woman for the benefit of Mr. Kite come daylight. This is why I sleep during the days now. So, being thoroughly alarmed at the mutant zombie meme of destruction spouting plastic woman-and being very concerned about dirty David Rockefeller's underground elite concubine production and distribution program gone awry. . . .I decided to call David up.
Having been told that Mr. Rockefeller was busy, and couldn't speak to me at this time I decided that all must be well, and that he must have heard about the evil plastic woman, and so I was relieved.
I think this is Kim Kardashian.
Kim Kardashian
The Evil Within.
Last year my sister put a piece of coal in my stocking. Stop laughing, it made me cry. She told me that she was going to do it again this year, and I know she will because white people like me and my sister are evil. Everyone knows that white people are evil-and we simply must be stopped.
I'm so glad that bad Mr. Obamy and his Democrats got stopped in the election. I'm told that damned Obamy had policies that helped everyone-including poor but evil white people like me. A republican told me that white people used to own slaves, and even though it was only a very few very rich white people. I'm convinced that my whole race is evil because of it. Those republicans are closer to God though, and everyone knows that-cause their policies will leave poor but evil white people like me and my sister with coal in our stockings. That republican man that I talked to? He told me-they were going to ship jobs overseas, so that other people in other places could know what it was like to have evil white slavemasters. It wasn't right for only people in this country to get to be so close to godlike republicans.
Kim Kardashian
Kim Kardashian
Progress, It Does The body Good.
So finally David Rockefeller called me back and said, "hey."
I said "hey David, what's going on?"
David said, "not much, killed anyone in a bs war lately? We've got to lower the population for the benefit of the planet; and keep the rest for slaves."
I said, "cool, David-ttyl!" And then David said,
"later, alligator."
Then I cried crocodile tears cause David was feeling so alone.